The National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) Customer Care Offices has resumed offering its full onsite service operations at full capacity as of Thursday, 1st of October 2020 in line with the Level 1 Lockdown Regulations. This is an important milestone on our road to recovery as the national lockdown put immense pressure on our business operations and affected our service offering due to limited capacity and resources.
“We have internalised these challenges and are implementing solutions to make our customers experience with the NHBRC a pleasurable one, where we can earn their trust and deliver on the required services to all our stakeholders”, said Acting Chief Executive, Songezo Booi.
To safeguard our employees and stakeholders, the NHBRC’s COVID Task Team has developed a Risk Adjusted Plan based on regulations relating to the COVID-19 Level 1 restrictions, which serves as a guideline on general strategies or measures that the organization and employees must use to address COVID-19 concerns and remain safe on the job.
 “As part of this plan we have continued to safeguard the health and safety of both our employees and customers by ensuring that our offices are fully compliant and suitable in line with the relevant health regulations. Work has been conducted to regularly deep clean and disinfect all offices nationally and distribute all the necessary Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs) as well as the deployment of the necessary screening protocols and equipment,” said Acting Chief Executive, Songezo Booi.
In keeping with the pronounced regulations governing social distancing, gathering and to protect our health and wellbeing against this pandemic and limiting overexposure, developers, contractors, home builders and housing consumers, who need to interact with NHBRC are urged to only visit our offices when it is absolutely necessary, e.g. for collection of certificates (i.e. registration and enrolment) and to complete technical assessments.
Those who have to visit our offices are encouraged to download a NHBRC COVID-19 screening APP/system by following the below guideline:
- Use your mobile device to access the link (Access this link using your mobile)
- Fill in the screening information, including the temperature
- Click “Save” and your information will be submitted
This replaces the current paper based screening process at our office entry points and minimises traffic.
We further encourage those who need to submit necessary additional supporting documents to do so from the safety of their homes or offices via our online emailing channel and the list per province is;
Province | Registrations, Renewals, Enrolments, Complaints and Collections of Certificates | Inspections |
Eastern Cape | Eastern Cape Online Services | ECinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Free State | Free State Online Services | FSinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Gauteng | Gauteng Online Services | GPinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
KwaZulu-Natal | KwaZulu-Natal Online Services | KZNinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Limpopo | Limpopo Online Services | LPinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Mpumalanga | Mpumalanga Online Services | MPinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
North West | North West Online Services | NWinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Northern Cape | Northern Cape Online Services | NCinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Western Cape | Western Cape Online Services | WCinspections@nhbrc.azurewebsites.net |
Each of our offices has a Covid-19 Task Team to ensure the continued safety of our employees and customers. Everyone visiting our offices is requested to cooperate with the measures put in place.
As an agency of the Department of Human Settlements, we support all the national covid-19 interventions aimed at providing citizens with dignified accommodation and access to clean water, thus contributing to reducing the risks of infection associated with overcrowding.